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Resolver Maven Plugin

A Maven plugin for resolving a version range of an artifact to the highest matching version.

For the version range format, see GenericVersionScheme from the Aether project.

Command-line example

When using -Dresolve.print -q, the only output to the console will be the matching version number. This can be used for scripting.

mvn com.subshell.maven:resolver-maven-plugin:resolve-range \
    -Dresolve.groupId=org.apache.maven -Dresolve.artifactId=maven-model \
    "-Dresolve.versionRange=[3.1.0, 3.3.max]" \
    -Dresolve.print -q

pom.xml example

This example writes the matching version number into the property latestMavenModelVersion.

        <version>[3.1.0, 3.3.max]</version>

System requirements

  • Maven 3.2.5
  • Java 7